Wednesday, April 28

CYIA video

Check out the promo video for Christian Youth in Action, Wisconsin style!

And tell me what you think, with a comment on the post!

The video is a few years old... but CYIA training camp is the same - a lot of work and a lot of challenge!

Tuesday, April 27

Gruff but lovable dwarf on a spring day

As I read my last post I thought, "hmm. I sounded a little grumpy there."

When your body and mind are upset with you, the result is grumpy. And I could "philosophize" about my turbulent state last weekend, trying to find other reasons for my disturbance... but I won't.

It was a plain, no-good, very bad weekend.

But today...

today is a b e a u t i f u l day.

Have you walked down the street lately? Even if you live in the center of town like I do, you'll see eruptions of color - from the crabapple trees to those white ones that aren't cherry trees, to the pale green leaves high above your head.

And even if you're experiencing residual grumpiness (as I am - I hope you CAN'T tell in this post!), you will find wonders that bring rest to your soul.

James 1:17 - Every good and perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of the heavenly lights (I love that!), who does not change like the shifting shadows.

His beautiful creation is proof that He can make this creation (me) beautiful inside, too. :)

Friday, April 23

Gospel seminar

Tomorrow was going to be a day for upper elementary kids to learn the Wordless Book over at my house... however, I never heard back from the kids I invited, except one who wouldn't have been able to make it. :(

I feel kind of let down. I really thought this would work out, but when I started throwing up today it was apparent that the seminar wouldn't get off the ground.


I really thought I was meant to do this... but maybe not now. Maybe sometime in the future when God brings kids into my life who would really benefit by this. Maybe none of the kids I talked to need help sharing their faith!

I just don't know.

Anyway, the migraine's mostly gone. Just a little queasiness left.

Today I had to cancel a meeting with someone to share about the internship; I hope that gets off the ground too! It was a pretty miserable day, but the shots I got helped. Now if they'll just knock me out for a few hours. I can barely type! :)

Wednesday, April 21


If you see people around you with "LOVE" on their arms, it's probably because today is National "To Write Love on Her Arms" day.

TWLOHA is an organization that helps people escape the traps of self-injury and self-hate, because God never created us to hurt ourselves or despise the beauty He's created. Today is a day to remind the hurting people that God loves them and we are praying for them!

And today, I wrote love on my arm, to remember that God made me and loves me more than I can imagine.

Remember that today!

Monday, April 19

First letter, first support


I am in utter aMAZEment!

I've only sent out my initial support letter. There will be at least two more sent out during the summer, but after only one support letter...
almost half of my support money is covered! Over $1,000!! Plus I know of several people who will be praying for God's will over the next few months. A lot more people than I expected.

And I completely didn't expect God to work in this way... never mind that fast!!

Shame on me for thinking that God's people wouldn't give to help me to this ministry! I have a lot to learn.

...will that be a theme this summer?

Saturday, April 17

Orientation 1

It was a loong ride there and back... but worth it to see everyone!

Today was Orientation 1, when the summer missionaries get their support letters ready to send, and everyone receives their orientation manual.

That is, they get homework. :)

For the 5 day clubs this summer we have 5 missionary stories and 5 Bible lessons we'll have to learn at camp. But before we go, we're prepared; by reading the Bible passages and the story from India!

I can't wait for this summer; it's always exciting to see what God does through the missionaries. But this year I'm in a more "observing" position; I'm coordinating clubs, locations and times, and not doing as much actual teaching.

(But whenever a missionary can't teach or needs a partner, I'll be around.)

Please pray for the teens as they study for the summer! The work has only begun!