Friday, May 28


Here's something I came across in my Bible today...

Isaiah 26:3-4

You will keep in perfect peace
him whose mind is steadfast,
because he trusts in you.

(A Good News Club verse -->) Trust in the LORD forever,
for the LORD, the LORD,
is the Rock eternal.

Trust is never misplaced when it's placed in His power.

Saturday, May 22

Youth With Vision

I'm so excited! Today five young ladies came over to my house (including my little sister, who I thought would NEVER be willing to learn the Wordless Book), and they all left with the instruction to give the Gospel!

If you're a reader of the blog, you know that I had to cancel the Gospel seminar last month because no one could come, and I had a horrible migraine. This week, thank God, no migraine. But there was a misunderstanding. I didn't put on the invitations that we'd learn the Wordless Book over two days. So the families planned to come on Saturday instead of Friday. I waited on Friday, and no one showed (obviously if I'd had my head on straight I would have called to make sure they were coming)! So after getting that straightened out, we agreed to do the whole thing on Saturday. "Learn the Wordless Book in one day?" I asked myself. "Can it be done?"

Well, these young people are a lot sharper than I am, and frankly a lot more willing to listen. They understood the Wordless Book and presented it to each other wonderfully. I was in awe of them and God.

Afterwards one of the girls asked if I could "make something up" to teach them, because she wanted to do this again. "I could teach you guys anything," I answered, and I believe it would be possible. These girls are sharp! I can't wait to hear about their adventures sharing the Gospel with other kids. :)

Sunday, May 16

Orientation 2!!

As you can possibly see from the pictures...

O2 was fun. :)

That's my arm in the picture below, holding up "Adelia" the puppet. Adelia was mostly a model puppet... but she and "Hank" needed some help from wise Mrs. Weibel to become truly excellent puppets.

This second orientation was held at the camp where training will be this June, and was the first chance some teens had to see the place they'll be training at for two weeks! It was also the first change for many to learn the games they'll be teaching kids over the summer. Some of the games involved parachutes (see above and below) while others were variations of Ships Across the Ocean and Crows and Cranes.

It's a good thing these teenagers have good attitudes - and wanted to be there. In my experience, teens get bored much quicker than children!

It's harder to keep their attention. :)

It's cool to think that God will use these young adults
to bring others to Himself. If He wanted to, He could use someone else,
but He chose people like us. People who make mistakes
and don't always obey Him, but people He loves and
always forgives. Thank you, God!! Thank you for calling these teens!!

Thursday, May 13

Good News Clubhouse

Hey peeps!

This July at the La Crosse Interstate Fair, CEF will have the Good News Clubhouse up and running. The Good News Clubhouse is a trailer that's painted in all kinds of fun colors, with the inside painted like night and day. Kids can come through and hear the Wordless Book (the Gospel), and get their faces painted.
The trained teen teachers (ttt... I love saying that) will be sharing the Wordless Book. We can have other teens, like our friends, paint faces and we need an adult present whenever we're working. The adult volunteer will often talk to the parents outside the trailer, or talk to adults and kids as they walk by.

It's a lot of work - about ten hours a day for four days in a sweaty trailer- but it's worth it! Last year we reached over 800 kids just through the fair trailer ministry!

If you want to learn more about it or you'd like to do a five-hour shift, please email me at!

Tuesday, May 11


Here's a funny little graph that shows how far my support has come. :)

There are so many wonderful people supporting me this summer! I'm so thankful that God supplies every need for everyone He calls. He never leaves us on our own, wondering what to do.

Thursday, May 6

National Day of Prayer

Today is the National Day of Prayer (

Who and what are you praying for?

Jesus said that prayer was very powerful (Matthew 21:22, Mark 9:14-29, Luke 18:1, John 16:24), but sometimes Christians feel awkward about it. We can send emails and talk on the phone with friends that we can't see... we can talk out loud to ourselves... but it's hard to talk to someone who's present that we totally can't see!

But if the power of God is "unleashed" by prayer - that's not the right word; I hope you know what I mean - shouldn't Christians be constantly in prayer?

Paul said we should. He said he prayed for his fellow believers whenever he thought of them (Romans 1:9-10, 1 Thess. 1:2, 2 Timothy 1:3). How often do I just think of others and forget to pray?

God can work without our prayers - that's what I mean about "unleashed" being the wrong word - but often He chooses to wait until we seek His face and ask.

I got to share the ministry with one of my youth leaders today. :) We had a nice long talk, and she prayed for me. Her encouragement meant a lot to me, but her prayer was even more powerful. She can help me - and has more than she probably realized - but God can help me so much more. Aren't prayers the greatest encouragement of all??

"I urge you, brothers... to join me in my struggle by praying to God for me" - Romans 15:30.
And please, let me join with you in your ministries and trials through prayer!!

Wednesday, May 5

A Reminder ;)

"Every element of self-reliance must be slain by the power of God. Complete weakness and dependence will always be the occasion for the Spirit of God to manifest His power"
- Oswald Chambers.

"And my God will meet all your needs according to His glorious riches in Christ Jesus."
- Philippians 4:19

Tuesday, May 4

To Do's

So tomorrow, I have a lot of things I have to do... and I'm having to put off "work stuff" again. :[

It's making me nervous to put off my CEF work for so long - I want to have it done in good time and not have to worry about it when things get really crazy; i.e., in June. So now's the time to finish the skits and organizer and learn the stories... but right now I'm caught up with school!

Oh, please pray that I won't waste my time; that I will do what needs to be done and I won't get "cut off" in the race!

Soli Deo Gloria