What a year 2011 was! I was shown once again how futile it is to rely on my abilities instead of Christ’s power. You might recall I said basically the same thing two years ago? I’m beginning to see a pattern in my years...
In the summer of 2011 I served as a team leader during Christian Youth in Action training, working with 6 teenagers and as a counselor for one of the girls’ cabins. It was a challenging and rewarding experience, and I was blessed with to work with some very friendly and talented teenagers. After the exhausting and edifying experience of camp in June, I began discussing with Anne Weibel our CEF area director about coming on staff part time. In October, I started working with Child Evangelism Fellowship as a CYIA specialist, encouraging the past summer missionaries and recruiting teenagers for next summer.
I’m honestly not sure where this will lead in the future, but for now I’m excited to work with the youth of Western Wisconsin. Imagine what this area or all of Wisconsin would look like with Christ-centered youth who are willing to give up their summers for him! That’s what I envision for Western Wisconsin this coming year. Please continue to pray for Western Wisconsin and my work with the teens. God has some special things in store for His people here!
You could also pray about supporting me financially—I’m praying right now for monthly supporters and one-time gifts for a total of $400 a month.
God is using the ministry of CYIA to impact teenagers like myself for eternity. I’m honored that He’s letting me go along for the ride.