Saturday, April 17

Orientation 1

It was a loong ride there and back... but worth it to see everyone!

Today was Orientation 1, when the summer missionaries get their support letters ready to send, and everyone receives their orientation manual.

That is, they get homework. :)

For the 5 day clubs this summer we have 5 missionary stories and 5 Bible lessons we'll have to learn at camp. But before we go, we're prepared; by reading the Bible passages and the story from India!

I can't wait for this summer; it's always exciting to see what God does through the missionaries. But this year I'm in a more "observing" position; I'm coordinating clubs, locations and times, and not doing as much actual teaching.

(But whenever a missionary can't teach or needs a partner, I'll be around.)

Please pray for the teens as they study for the summer! The work has only begun!


  1. Hey! I am going to leave a comment on your blog because blogs/comments are cool. And I know from experience. :D I am bookmarking your blog, so hopefully I will remember to come and read it sometimes.



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