Friday, April 15

Teach Me to Breathe

I had never thought of this before today, but perhaps... perhaps I've looked at my relationship with God backwards.

In my Sunday school class this week, our teacher mentioned how our brains eventually learn how to multitask, so we can walk and chew gum and talk on the phone all at the same time!

But while we are conscious of doing all this things, on a deeper level, our brain is controlling the function of our heart, lungs, eyes, and nerve endings. We aren't conscious of it, but our heart is beating and we are breathing as we walk, talk and chew.

Instead of consciously thinking about God all the time - impossible to do; I know, I've tried - I need part of my brain to automatically think of Him when trials come or I see something beautiful. I need, in short, a sub automatic mental function that connects to my spiritual consciousness.

But I never had to train my brain to make me breathe on its own. I have had to strengthen my lungs to gain a greater air capacity, but my brain already knew to make me breathe without my help. But don't you think the same God, who made my brain keep me alive automatically, could make me able to run to Him automatically?

I think so.

Not all at once, like He did with my brain before I was born, but gradually. It's like... becoming a new person with a new brain function. I'll have a superhuman ability to rely on God without a moment's pause!

Sadly, just as He won't work this new supernatural function within me overnight, it's something I suppose I'll have to work on - just like I strengthen my lungs with exercise, I strengthen my ability to trust in God the more I do it - the more I let that part of me, which He has already placed inside of me, go running to God.

"Love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind, and strength."

Insurmountable obstacles, here I come!

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