Friday, August 16

Things continue

My two comrades-in-arms, Faith and Kyla.
We got to work together at training, and since
then we've been running three different directions!
Now that summer is nearly over, I'm struggling to keep my eyes ahead.

All I really want to do is look back on the last few months and say, "Whew! I'm done!" But I need to plan and prepare for what's ahead, or else what's ahead will jump out at me like so many things this summer. I don't want that.

Sunday, August 11

Three weeks of fair - over 300 kids!

Good News Club house sign shows the fun inside!
We had a variety of weather... cold
 and soaking wet to sweltering
Face painting (we were given some new
high quality paints by a woman at one of the fairs,
which was a blessing; it looks fantastic)

The Wordless Book Gospel story with the "magic bag"
Fair at night (post-rain)
Story in progress: please wait!