Sunday, May 15

Teen Mentorship

A study by the Barna Group indicated that 6% of teens listed “pastors or other religious leaders they know personally” as their top role models, while 6% listed “entertainers (including musicians and actors)” - an interesting similarity in statistics.
But even with parents excluded from the role model survey (they had been the top response at first), a "close relation" to the teen came out at the top (37%).

Unfortunately, as the president of the Barna Group pointed out, "teens rarely identified spiritual mentors" in the survey.

Teens see many of their role models from far off... entertainers, athletes, motivational speakers, and even their "pastors or other religious leaders"; people don't often hear their troubles or guide them through life's choices.
It's a great thing that teens see their parents as their largest influence, and that another close friend or relative comes close. But if their parents don't encourage them spiritually, who does?
CYIA is one way teens make connections for life and godliness.
  Ok, so that was a shameless plug.
But you know, I am so excited about what God has done and is going to do through Christian Youth in Action... I don't care about sticking it in to every post on this blog. :D

Here's a few things teens said about their time in CYIA:

"I love to see people passionate about Christ and eagar to share how someone can be brought into a right relationship with God."

"God has used CYIA to make me who I am today."

"What a blessing those years were! They were foundational in my life... [I was] able to... make many wonderful Christian friends my age!"

The CEF website suggests, If you have a heart for ministry and want to team up with other young people to reach the children in your community, then CYIA is for you! And it's true: CYIA isn't just for me and other strange, far-out people: it's for YOU.

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