Monday, January 16

Isaiah's Commission | My Commission | Your Commission

In Isaiah 6, God shares his terrible judgement and hard news for His people with the prophet Isaiah. Isaiah saw God's holiness and was overwhelmed by his sins and those of his people. He also saw that only God could make him fit for service, as a seraph touches Isaiah's lips with a coal and says "your guilt is taken away and your sin atoned for" (v. 6-7).

The commission God gave to him was not an easy one for Isaiah to carry out, but he was willing to be used of God, no matter the task. God's will, it seems, has little or nothing to do with the desires or disposition of his vessel. His sovereignty and holiness make it incredible that he would put broken vessels to use in his perfect plan.

This reading had particular meaning to me as I thought about the teacher training I helped lead on Saturday. The teachers who came were so earnest in their desire to lead people to Christ that I was ashamed. They were eagerly responding to the call, "whom shall I send?" I hope they left our sessions feeling encouraged - I myself left feeling challenged by their questions and interest.

Am I willing to be used as a broken vessel in God's service; no thoughts for myself, but only thoughts for the person and message of Christ?

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